If the Glados server does not trust the certificate chain of a secure LDAP server the test login form issues a error Can't contact LDAP server.

In order to connect to a LDAP server via SSL, the system running Glados has to trust the secure LDAP server certificate. You may have to include the CA certificate of your LDAP/AD server. First you need to export the CA certificate of your LDAP server in the crt format.

On Debian you can do the following. Copy the CA certificate hostname.crt to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/

Then run the program that updates the certificate store of your server:

update-ca-certificates -v

To test whether the certificate is trusted, use:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect hostname:636

where hostname denotes the FQDN of the LDAP server (that occures equally in the certificate file) and 636 is the LDAPS port number. You should observe an output like the following if the certificate was trusted:

SSL handshake has read 2109 bytes and written 346 bytes
Verification: OK

If the certificate was not trusted instead it may look like this:

SSL handshake has read 2109 bytes and written 346 bytes
Verification error: unable to verify the first certificate

As soon as the verification using the openssl command is successful you can authenticate via LDAP using SSL. For this choose ldaps as Connection Method and 636 as LDAP Port or prefix your LDAP URI with ldaps://.