Exam client configuration

To setup an exam client, you can install the package lernstick-exam-client on a Lernstick:

apt-get install lernstick-exam-client

You can also download the Debian Package from the Github releases page.

The exam client can be configured in 2 ways.

Autodiscovery of the exam server

To configure the exam client for this behavior, nothing has to be done. After installing the package, you can just search for the exam server, as described in Taking an Exam.

Notice, for this to work, you have to configure the network accordingly.

Exam server with fixed IP-address

If you want a more secure installation and the exam server has a fixed IP-address, you can configure the exam client to only access your fixed exam server.

Create a config file /etc/lernstick-exam-client.conf with the following contents:



The below table explaines the keys and values:

Config Item Description
gladosIp The IP-address of the exam server.
gladosHost The DNS name of the exam server.
gladosPort The port, under which the webserver is running. (Don't use double quotes " here)
gladosProto The protocol to use. Can either be http or https.
gladosDesc A short description of the host (for example Exam Server School A)
action* Those variables should mostly be left as in the config above. They describe the URL for the different actions a client can take. Adjust them to the corresponding configuration of your webserver. For example the download URL actionDownload will be made up of the hosts IP-address, the port, the protocol and the given relative path. ${gladosProto}://${gladosIp}:${gladosPort}/${actionDownload} will then be translated to{token} in the example configuration above. That URL must point to the exam server token prompt.

If you start the Search Exam Server utility now, it will only search for your given IP-address, thus other exam servers in the network will be ignored.

Automatically search for exam server

You can configure the exam client, so that on every network connection that comes up, the search for an exam server is started. This can be done by setting


in the config file /etc/lernstickWelcome.

Notice, that the utillity now starts on every network connection (LAN, WLAN, VPN and so on).

It is recommended to create a shortcut for Search Exam Server on the Desktop.