Correct the exams

You are completely free in how you correct the exams. If you want to print the files and correct them manually, you can do so. If you want to correct them digitally and hand them back to the student digitally, you can also do so. This howto describes what to do, if you want to go the latter way.

Remember you got a zip-file containing the results (see Generate results ). Unpack file somewhere on your local computer. Correct the exams and save the corrected version in the same directories from the zip-file. After correction, you should have the following directory structure: One directory for each student (Student Name - Token) and inside that directory you should place the corrected exam of the corresponding student. The contents of this directory will be the result that is handed back to the student, so make sure there is no secret content in it.

An example of a digital correction can be seen in the Example exam: Essay.

The next step is to upload the corrected version and submit the results back to the student.